Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just for Starters...New Blog!

 Greetings to all...Not to Fear Monger.... but to raise awareness in an age of uncertainty in terms of the economy and an ever changing global environment...being prepared  for the unknown is on most peoples minds...but knowing how to prepare, for what, for when and why you should even be concerned...can be scary, confusing, frustrating and may even sound ridiculous to some. We're all aware of the Media, Government and even the Wacko guy down the street with all the signs in his yard about the impending Doom that is about to beset us all...it's all around us everyday in the Newspapers, TV, Radio and on the Internet. Lets face it...being prepared isn't a bad thing at all...
Think about when you had to be prepared for that Big exam in math class or that all important job interview for the job you always wanted....kind of puts things in prospective doesn't it?

With that being said....I know...I Know...you're thinking....This is the Wacko down the street....Trust me I haven't a single sign posted in my yard...Please Read on.
This brings me to an informal introduction to Information that I think may be of some good use to you and your family. The information you find in this and future post will contain content that is in part original and the rest will be content that has been researched thoroughly by myself and other trusted sources....this information may come in the form of writing such as this or, video, drawings, website links, Etc.
What kind of Info.? you may ask?.....The main focus will be Preparedness...for what, when, why and most important of all How-To-Prepare.
Not all reasons to prepare involve a disaster, emergency, economic collapse or War...some of you may be looking for information on how to turn off the lights at home and keep them off ( Going off the Grid )....a sustainable life style including organic gardening and Permaculture or how to build a small home out of recycled material and No Cost except for Sweat Equity...alternative home heating and lighting.
Here's one just for starters......How about an emergency candle that can last up to 45 days!....well OK....mine only lasted 8 1/2 hours....I used a 15 oz bean can filled with Crisco a paper clip and 6 inches of cotton twine.....it will light a small room enough to see around also....for a longer lasting candle....Bigger can and more Crisco.....Olive and peanut oil work as well;-)

Thanks for the read....Check us out on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/readymre

Thanks again

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